MY EXAMS AND MY HEALTH WRITTEN BY FELIX BLISS @2018 We are living in the era of examination where students neglect to care about their health. Examination cannot be out of the live of students and every individual in the world as well. On the other hand, health is inevitable from the everyday TO and FRO activities of man under the sun of ages. Should we burn the night candle before we can pass our examination When we knew very well sleepless night affects our health tremendously as well as our performance in examination? Should we learn in the parliament of mosquitoes when we knew of the deadly disease – malaria? Should we learn without resting within time intervals? Having gone through the university of competitive choice in Ghana has put me in the school of thought. I am in the one of the well-known universities in Ghana where examination period has become judgment day due to what students go through. This place has gotten a lot of nick names – a place of bury...
We are living in the era of examination where students neglect to care about their health. Examination cannot be out of the live of students and every individual in the world as well. On the other hand, health is inevitable from the everyday TO and FRO activities of man under the sun of ages.
- Should we burn the night candle before we can pass our examination When we knew very well sleepless night affects our health tremendously as well as our performance in examination?
- Should we learn in the parliament of mosquitoes when we knew of the deadly disease – malaria?
- Should we learn without resting within time intervals?
Not only at this university of critical challenge do students go through the agony of examination. Similar situation cut across all other tertiary schools in the country. Should we save our prime of life and fail our exams or should we save both our results and health?
Now here is where the question lies.
I don’t think it should be so because without good healthy lifestyle, our success in examination becomes incomplete. Don’t you think it would be painful, if we spent of all nights and days on our book and fall sick on the examination day.
Health is both a physical state and a state of mind. Wellness, or good health, requires ongoing effort to make positive choices and keep your life in balance. The same good habits that lessen your chances of yielding to illness can also keep your stress levels under control.
Getting sick or overly stressed during exams can undermine your efforts on these important tests Discover why it's important to be healthy during exams, and how to stay that way. When you are healthy, you are better equipped to deal with the physical and mental challenges of everyday life.
A state of good health allows you to relax and concentrate. You can absorb and recall information better than when you're ill since you're not dealing with interferences such as fever, aches, or nausea.
For these reasons I have adopted this strategy to be healthy during examination period.
Whether you're worried about the nasty bug that's been going around lately or feeling a tension headache setting in, these four healthy habits will help keep you in good shape for exams:
Stress Management
Stress can inhibit your immune system. Depressed immune function often leads to physical illness. Some stress is inevitable. But finding appropriate ways to deal with stress is key to staying healthy during exams. Positive approaches to stress management include journaling, meditation, quiet times with friends, and physical exercise.
Moreover, Unmanaged stress at exam time can cause sleep disruption, headaches, poor concentration, and overconsumption of junk food—all of which can contribute to impaired test performance. This is especially true if you tend to suffer from test anxiety. Don’t compare yourself with your friends, and particularly don’t discuss how much revision you have done. This is a recipe for feeling inferior, and therefore stressed;
Adequate Sleep
Revising late into the night will not help you the next day. Even if you have an exam (perhaps, especially if you have an exam), you are better off stopping earlier and relaxing. Getting enough high-quality sleep is critical during exam time. Sleep actually enhances your brain's wiring, effectively enabling you to both think faster and remember information better.
Proper Nutrition
Food fuels both your body and mind. The quality of the food you eat largely determines your overall health and mental acuity. Eating nutritious food, such as this whole grain and vegetable salad, is an important part of staying healthy during exams. We would all benefit from becoming more aware of our nutritional choices. Eating whole foods and drinking plenty of water will help you feel physically well and perform better academically.
Regular Physical Activity
Exercise is a healthy habit that can mitigate the damaging effects of stress. But stress management is not its only benefit. Running is one of many forms of exercise that help you stay healthy during exams. Moderate aerobic exercise improves blood flow and cardiovascular health, benefiting your brain. Physical exercise promotes mental concentration and the ability to recall information, both of which are critical to getting good test grades.
In conclusion…
Keeping well is important at exam time, and during study time. Looking after yourself through cooking, shopping, exercising and eating well is not a waste of time, it is very important. As we go through this semester examination let us be mindful about our health.
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